CircleS of the
SUn & Moon

Men’s & Women’s Circles: remembering the old ways

Circle of the Sun & Moon, or the men’s & women’s groups respectively, meet every single week to offer depth, camaraderie, safety, and a true sense of tribe to rest within. A third circle for our gender neutral family members is coming soon, called “The Circle of the Earth”!


Circle of the SUn

The Circle of the Sun is a men’s group and brotherhood that offers an opportunity to its members to be seen and heard as their fully authentic self. Aside from the organic and real sense of family that the brotherhood offers, the power of the group is based in is its ability to embrace challenging and often long-suppressed emotions, which offers its brothers relief, often for the first time in many years, or even their whole lives.

As one participant put it, “When I found the Circle of the Sun I was the closest to death that I had ever been. This circle, and the people within it, have been instrumental in improving my life for the better. I was one week removed from my life’s first instance of suicidal ideation… and so I sought out refuge, and found comfort in friendship in the community. I cannot put into words how valuable the wisdom, comfort, and understanding of this group has been.”

$11 contribution per person, per circle

- Sharing circles every Wednesday from 7pm-10pm!

“Evil thrives when good men do nothing.”

~Edmund Burke 


Circle of the Moon

The Circle of the Moon is a women’s group and sisterhood that offers nourishment, sacredness, and community support to female-identifying people who desire to be seen and to share in a fully safe space. The true friendship and authenticity behind the circle is palpable, and allows members to access a higher and healthier imprint for family, sisterhood, and community overall. It is also built on what we call a “shadow-inclusive” premise, where the full range of the human experience is welcomed and integrated – a powerful gift to the shadow parts of us all!

To share the experience of one member: “With the circle, I have blossomed and feel like I have a safe space among sisters. I can honestly say this is such nourishment for anyone that is thirsty for authentic connection and sharing. I have experienced other circles and honestly they seem like cotton candy in comparison. The shadow inclusiveness is everything in this circle! Also, the opening of sacred space in so very needed in these times. This is a real portal of healing.”

$11 contribution per person, per circle

- Sharing circles every Wednesday from 7pm-10pm

“I know that whenever a group of women are gathered together, the Grandmother always makes a phantom appearance, hovering above them.”

~Angela Carter

TOSW Circles also Include Telegram Groups, which some call their “Circle away from Circle” – offering consistent support & connection throughout your life!