The Living Death Ceremony

The Living Death Ceremony (also known as a "living funeral" or "guided ego death"), which we offer during the fall every year, is a potent ritual experience that allow participants to experience their own mortality directly, which gives them an opportunity before death to more fully appreciate life.

Each ceremony consists of activities which center one's focus on reflecting upon their own death, such as writing a self-eulogy, living will, and journaling exercises to confront "loose ends" with people in their lives.

Following this preparation, participants are guided through a ritual of release and then become shrouded in large linen cloths. Once in the shroud, they are then guided through a profound death meditation and left to process alone through a sound healing journey. The ceremony ends with them "resurrecting" themselves from the shroud, allowing them to leave behind they need to in the Underworld and to being a "new chapter" from that moment on.

Can be good for confronting fears of death or loss, processing grief or past lives, or for an overall experience of “letting go” of or releasing something big!

Next LivinG DEATH Ceremony:
Oct 30, 2022

 TOSW offers group ceremonies, private ceremonies, and is also available on a *very* select basis to bring the Living Death Ceremony to your independent creations & events 💖

If you have an idea or inquiry and it’s for an event at least 3 months out, or if you have
any questions about our Living Death ceremonies in general, fill out the form below.

Please note: As we are often in ceremony or otherwise out-of-pocket generally, responses could take up to a week or longer depending on current circumstances. Please be patient and we will get back to you as soon as we can, thank you!